The Galen Project

Publications of Prof Tieleman

This page is continually updated and revised.


(5)  Anchoring Science and Technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity, eds. M. Flohr, S.T.A.M. Mols, T. Tieleman. Euhormus vol. VII (Leiden: Brill 2024).

(4) (together with Maithe Hulskamp, Clarine Rijpstra-van Daal, Martin Ruf) Galenus van Pergamum. Arts – Filosoof – Retoricus. ISBN 978-90-5997-353-4. 112 pp. Leiden: Primavera. November 2021 (112 pp.) with ‘docentenhandleiding’ (54 pp.). See

(3) (together with Annette Merz) (ed.) The Letter of Mara bar Sarapion in Context. Proceedings of the Symposium Held at Utrecht University, 10-12 December 2009, Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 58 (Leiden / Boston: Brill, 2012); xiv + 246 pp.

(2) Chrysippus’ On Affections. Reconstruction and Interpretation (Philosophia Antiqua 94, Brill: Leiden/Boston 2003); 346 pp.

[reviews: J.-B. Gourinat, Philosophie Antique 4 (2004) 208-214, C. Gill, Phronesis 50 (2005) 171-172, id., Classical Review 55 (2005) 449-450; M.F. Meyer, Philosophischer Literatur-anzeiger 58.1 (2005) 33-38; K. Vogt, Archiv f. Gesch. d. Philosophie 87 (2005) 211-215.]

(1) Galen and Chrysippus On the Soul: Argument and Refutation in the De Placitis Books II and III (Philosophia Antiqua 58, Brill: Leiden/Boston 1996); xxxvii + 307 pp.

[reviews: D.E. Hahm, BHM 73 (1999) 302-303, G. Reydams-Schils, Ancient Philosophy 24.2 (2004) 510-509].

In preparation

Galen of Pergamum. Philosophy in the Roman World, monograph commissioned by Routledge for their Ancient Philosophies series (to appear in 2025).

Ancient Life Sciences. Aristotelian and Hellenistic Approaches. Proceedings of the Utrecht-Edinburgh Workshops 2019-2020, eds. I. Kupreeva and T. Tieleman.

(together with David Rensberger, Annette Merz and Michael Speidel) The Letter of Mara Bar Sarapion (introduction, edition, translation, studies) SAPERE. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck; 300 pp.

Galen on Human Nature. Proceedings of the Conference held in Utrecht, 23-25 September 2021, ed. by T. Tieleman.

Giouli Korobili and Teun Tieleman, eds. Meteorology beyond Borders. Proceedings of the Utrecht Conference, 6-8 July 2022.

‘Galen on the Emergence of Life’ (article).

‘Role-Playing, Rationality and Right Action in Cleanthes’ (article).

‘Chrysippus,’ Oxford Bibliographies in Classics, ed. R. Scodel.

‘Galen, On His Own Opinions as a Specimen of Prolegomena Literature: Self-Exegesis and Scepticism’ (article, ca. 30 pp.).

Articles and contributions to volumes (for reviews and professional publications see below)

(66) ‘The Philosophical Backdrop’, forthcoming in A. Merz, D. Rensberger, T. Tieleman,  The Letter of Mara Bar Sarapion (introduction, edition, translation, studies) SAPERE. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (37 pp.).

(65) ‘General Introduction’ (I-IV), forthcoming in A. Merz, D. Rensberger, T. Tieleman,  The Letter of Mara Bar Sarapion (introduction, edition, translation, studies) SAPERE. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (20 pp.)

(64) ‘Galen on Human Nature: Individual and Cosmos’, forthcoming in M. Mouzala (ed.) Nature and Human Nature in Ancient Greek Philosophy and Its Reception. Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens. Ca. 16 pp.

(63) ‘Perspectivas médicas y filosóficas sobre el Timeo de Platón: la contribución de Galeno de Pérgamo,’ forthcoming in M.D. Boeri & I. Costa (eds.) El Timeo de Platón. Aspectos sistemáticos y de recepción del diálogo. 18 pp.

(62) ‘Ephesians and Ancient Philosophy: The Communion of God and the Faithful,’ forthcoming in A. Weissenrieder & M. Grundeken, eds. The Letter to the Ephesians in Context (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2025) 163-176.

(61) (with M. Flohr and S.T.A.M. Mols) ‘Anchoring, Science and Technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity,’ in M. Flohr, S.T.A.M. Mols, T. Tieleman (eds.) Anchoring Science and Technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (Leiden: Brill 2024) 1-18.

(60) ‘Galen’s Use of Hippocrates as an Anchor for Medical Innovation,’ forthcoming in M. Flohr, S.T.A.M. Mols, T. Tieleman (eds) Anchoring Science and Technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (Leiden: Brill 2024) 303-325.

(59) ‘The Medical Law: The Hippocratic tract The Law and the Pseudo-Platonic Minos’, in S. Krauter and A. Weissenrieder, eds. Law: Textual Representation and Practices in the Ancient World, themed issue Religion in the Roman Empire 10.2. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2024: 180-192.

(58) ‘Galen between Philosophy and Medicine,’ in A. Das, ed. Galen’s Humanistic Medecine. The Essay Quod Optimus Medicus. SAPERE series vol. XLIII (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2023) 127-134.

(57) ‘Galen on Human Perfection and Enhancement: Morality, Medicine, Cosmology.’ In J. Leemans, G. Roskam and P. van Deun, eds. Longing for Perfection in Late Antiquity. Proceedings of the conference, Leuven 26-28 May 2021 (Leiden: Brill 2023) 345-360.

(56) ‘Galen on Disagreement: Sects, Philosophical Methods and Christians,’ in A. Joosse & A. Ulacco, eds. Dealing with Disagreement. The Construction of Traditions in Later Ancient Philosophy. Monothéismes et Philosophie. Turnhout: Brepols (2023) 45-58.

(55) ‘Galen’s Notion of Dialectic,’ in R.J. Hankinson and M. Havrda, eds. Galen’s Epistemology: Experience, Reason, and Method in Ancient Medicine (Cambridge: CUP 2022) 136-155.

(54) (with Wong Wai-Ying) ‘Human Dignity in Confucian and Greco-Roman Virtue Ethics,’ forthcoming in Gerhard Bos, Marcus Düwell, Li Jianhui, Wang Xiaowei, eds. Human Dignity in Philosophy and Applied Ethics – China and the West (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2022). Ca. 15 pp.

(53) ‘Galen and Academic Scepticism’, forthcoming in K.-H. Leven, ed. Galen aus Pergamon. Philosophie in der römischen Kaiserzeit, Philosophie der Antike, hrsg. W. Kullmann (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2024). Ca. 15 pp.

(52) ‘Posidonius and the Pneumatists: The Aetiology of Emotions and Diseases,’ in G. Kazantzidis & D. Spatharas, eds. Medical Understandings of Emotions in Antiquity, vol. II, Trends in Classics-Ancient Emotions series (Berlin: De Gruyter 2022) 201-228.

(51) ‘Presocratics and Presocratic Philosophy in Galen,’ in M. Jas & A. Lammer, eds. Received Opinions. Doxography in Antiquity and in the Islamic World. Philosophia antiqua (Leiden: Brill 2022) 120-150.

(50) ‘The Use of Aristotelian Biology in Nemesius’ On Human Nature,Journal of Ancient Philosophy 15.2 (2021) 170-189.

(49) ‘Posidonius,’ In Oxford Bibliographies in Classics. Ed. Ruth Scodel. New York: Oxford University Press 2021.

(48) ‘Sénèque et les prépassions,’  in V. Laurand, F. Prost, E. Malaspina, eds. Lectures plurielles du De ira de Sénèque. Interprétations, contextes, enjeux, Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 392 (Berlin: De Gruyter 2021) 266-276.

(47) ‘Cleanthes’ Pneumatology. Two Testimonies from Tertullian,’ in S. Coughlin, D. Leith & O. Lewis, eds. The Concept of Pneuma after Aristotle. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 61 (Berlin: Edition Topoi 2020) 157-171.

(46) Review-article on Adamson, Peter, Rotraud Hansberger, James Wilberding, eds. Philosophical Themes in Galen. London: Institute of Classical Studies, University of London 2014. 327 pp. (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 114), Gnomon 92.8 (2020) 693-712.

(45) ‘Stoic Vices,’ in Chr. Veillard, O. Renaut, D. El Murr, eds. Les philosophes face au vice, de Socrate à Augustin. Philosophia antiqua 154 (Leiden: Brill 2020) 189-204.

(44) ‘Galen’s Self-Understanding and the Platonic Phaedrus,’ in S. Delcomminette, P. D’Hoine, M.-A. Gavray, eds. The Reception of Plato’s Phaedrus from Antiquity to the Renaissance. Beiträge zur Altertumskunde (Berlin: De Gruyter 2020) 25-39.

(43) Review-article on Abraham P. Bos, Aristotle on God’s Life-Generating Power and on Pneuma as Its Vehicle, SUNY series in Ancient Greek Philosophy, ed. A. Preuss. Albany: State University of New York 2018. Philosophia Reformata 84.2 (2019) 245-259.

(42) 芝诺与心理一元论:关于文本证据的一些观察,清华西方哲学研究 (Tsinghua Studies in Western Philosophy), Vol.4, No.2 (Winter 2018) 121-145 (translation by Yu Jiangxia of ‘Zeno and Psychological Monism: The Evidence Reconsidered’, originally published in T. Scaltsas & A.S. Mason (eds.) The Philosophy of Zeno. Zeno of Citium and His Legacy(Larnaca, Cyprus 2002) 185-219.

(41) ‘Wisdom and Emotion. Galen’s Philosophical Position in Avoiding Distress,’ in C. Petit, ed. A Tale of Resilience. Galen’s De Indolentia in Context, Studies in Ancient Medicine (Leiden: Brill 2018) 199-216.

(40) ‘Medische innovatie in de Grieks-Romeinse wereld: de sectie op menselijke lichamen als praktijkgeval,’ Lampas (2018) 51.4 (Themanummer Anchoring Innovation) 325-339. With a summary in English.

(39) ‘Epicurus and His Circle: Philosophy, Medicine and the Sciences’ in P. Keyser & J. Scarborough, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Science and Medicine in the Classical World (Oxford: Oxford U.P. 2018) 257-268.

(38) ‘Stoicism and the Natural World: Philosophy and Science.’ in P. Keyser & J. Scarborough, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Science and Medicine in the Classical World (Oxford: Oxford U.P. 2018) 677-698.

(37) ‘Galen and Doxography,’ in J. Mansfeld & D. Runia, eds. Aëtiana IV: Papers of the Melbourne Colloquium on Ancient Doxography (Leiden: Brill 2018) 452-471.

(36) T.L. Tieleman, 生活艺术:一种古代理念及其遗存. 哲学分析(Philosophical Analysis), 2017/1, (pp. 156-163) (8 p.). repr. in ‘中国社会科学文摘(Chinese Social Science Digest)’ 2017/6 (p. 49) (1 p.) (translation by dr. Yu Jiangxia of ‘The Art of Life. An Ancient Idea and its Survival’, originally published in ΣXOΛΗ 2 (2009) 247-252).

(35) ‘Religion and Therapy in Galen,’ in: G. Etzelmüller & A. Weissenrieder (eds.) Religion and Illness (Eugene OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers 2016) 15-31 (reworked and expanded version of [23]).

(34) ‘The Early Stoics and Aristotelian Ethics’, in Frontiers of Philosophy in China, vol. 11.1 (2016) 104-121.

(33) ‘Galen, De Placitis Books IV and V: Questions, Options and Authorities’, in J. A. López Férez, ed. Galeno: lengua, composición literaria, léxico, estilo, Madrid, Ediciones clásicas (2015) 93-108.

(32) ‘Galen on Medicine as a Science and as an Art,’ History of Medicine vol. 2.2 (2015) 172-182.

(31) ‘The Spirit of Stoicism’, in: J.R. Levison & J. Frey (eds.), The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity. Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Ekstasis: Religious Experience from Antiquity to the Middle Ages 5 (Berlin: De Gruyter 2014) 39–62.

(30) ‘Posidonius on the Void. A Controversial Case of Divergence Revisited’, in C. Helmig / C. Horn / G. Ranocchia (eds.) Space in Hellenistic Philosophy. Critical Studies in Ancient Physics (Berlin/New York: De Gruyter 2014) 69-81.

(29) ‘Head and Heart: the Pauline Corpus and its Medical and Philosophical Backdrop,’ in Religion & Theology 20.1 (2014) 86–106.

(28) ‘Miracle and Natural Cause in Galen,’ in S. Alkier & A. Weissenrieder (ed.), Miracles Revisited. New Testament Miracle Stories and their Concepts of Reality, Studies on the Bible and its Reception, vol. 1 (Berlin: De Gruyter 2013) 101–115.

(27) ‘Les Stoiciens sur les tempéraments du corps et de l’âme’, ΣXOΛΗ 7 (2013) 8-19

(26) (with A. Merz) ‘General Introduction,’ in A. Merz & T. Tieleman (eds.) The Letter of Mara bar Sarapion in Context (Leiden: Brill 2012) 1–9.

(25) ‘Galen on Perception’, Antiquorum Philosophia 5 (2011) 83-97.

(24) ‘Orality and Writing in Ancient Philosophy: Their Interrelationship and the Shaping of Literary Forms’, in A. Weissenrieder & R. Coote (eds.) The Interface of Orality and Writing: Speaking, Seeing, Writing in the Shaping of New Genres. Studies in Honour of Antoinette Clark Wire. WUNT 260 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2010) 19-35.

(23) ‘Religion und Therapie in Galen’, in A. Weissenrieder & G. Etzelmüller (eds.) Religion und Krankheit (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 2010) 83-95.

(22) ‘The Art of Life. An Ancient Idea and its Survival’, ΣXOΛΗ 2 (2009) 247-252.

(21) ‘Galen and the Stoics. Or: The Art of Not Naming’, in C.J. Gill, T. Whitmarsh, J. Wilkins (eds.) Galen and the World of Knowledge (Cambridge: CUP 2009) 282-299.

(20) ‘(In)continence in Context. Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics 1151b23-52a36’, in C. Natali (ed.) Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics VII, Symposium Aristotelicum [= Proceedings of the XVIIth Symposium Aristotelicum] (Oxford: OUP 2009) 173-182.

(19) ‘Verhaal, identiteit en cultuur bij Plato: Enkele verkennende opmerkingen’, in Bob Becking en Annette Merz (red.) Verhaal als Identiteits-Code. Opstellen aangeboden aan Geert van Oyen bij zijn afscheid van de Universiteit Utrecht (Utrechtse Theologische Reeks 60, UU 2008), 323-330.

(18) (with Annette B. Merz) ‘The Letter of Mara bar Sarapion: Some Comments on its Philosophical and Historical Context’, in A. Houtman – A. de Jong – M. Misset-van de Weg (eds.) Empsychoi Logoi. Religious Innovations in Antiquity. Studies in Honour of Pieter Willem van der Horst (Leiden 2008) 107-133.

(17) ‘Onomastic Reference in Seneca: The Case of Plato and the Platonists’, in C. Helmig and M. Bonazzi (eds.) Platonic Stoicism – Stoic Platonism (Leuven 2007) 133-148.

(16) ‘Methodology’, in R.J. Hankinson (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Galen (Cambridge: CUP 2008) 49-65.

(15) ‘Panaetius’ Place in the History of Stoicism. With Special Reference to his Moral Psychology’, in A.M. Ioppolo & D.N. Sedley (eds.) Pyrrhonists, Patricians and Platonizers. Hellenistic Philosophy in the Period 155-86 BC., Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium Hellenisticum (Napoli: Bibliopolis 2007) 103-142.

(14) ‘Galen and Genesis’, in George H. van Kooten (ed.) The Creation of Heaven and Earth: Re-interpretations of Genesis I in the Context of Judaism, Ancient Philosophy, Christianity, and Modern Physics (Themes in Biblical Narrative 8, Leiden – Boston 2005) 125-145.

(13) Review article on: R. Sorabji, Emotion and peace of Mind. From Stoic Agitation to Christian Temptation (Oxford 2000) in Gnomon. Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft, 75.6 (2003) 679-683.

(12) ‘Galen’s Psychology’ in J. Barnes – J. Jouanna (eds.), Entretiens sur l’antiquité classique XLIX: Galien (Fondation Hardt, Vandoeuvres, Suisse 2003) 131-169.

(11) ‘Zeno and Psychological Monism: The Evidence Reconsidered’, in T. Scaltsas & A.S. Mason (eds.) The Philosophy of Zeno. Zeno of Citium and His Legacy (Larnaca, Cyprus 2002) 185-219.

(10) ‘Galen on the Seat of the Intellect: Anatomical Experiment and Philosophical Tradition,’ in C.J. Tuplin & T. E. Rihll (eds.) Science and Mathematics in Ancient Greek Culture (Oxford 2002) 256-273.

(9) Review article on: F. Alesse, Panezio di Rodi. Testimonianze. Edizione, traduzione e commento. Napoli (Bibliopolis 1997), Mnemosyne 53 (2000) 367-371.

(8) ‘Chrysippus’ Therapeutikon and the Corpus Hippocraticum. Some Preliminary Observations’, in: I. Garofalo – D. Manetti – A. Roselli (eds.), Aspetti della terapia nel Corpus Hippocraticum. Actes du IXe Colloque Hippocratique (Firenze: Olschki 1999) 405-418.

(7) ‘Plotinus on the Seat of the Soul: Reverberations of Galen and Alexander in Enn. IV 3.23’, Phronesis 43 (1998) 306-325.

(6) ‘The Hunt for Galen’s Shadow. Alexander of Aphrodisias, De an. pp. 94.7-100.17 Bruns Reconsidered’, in: K. Algra – D.Th. Runia – P.W. van der Horst (eds.) Polyhistor. Studies in the History and Historiography of Greek Philosophy presented to Jaap Mansfeld on His 60th Birthday (Leiden 1996) 265-283.

(5) ‘Galen’s Concept of Dialectic and the Middle Platonist Background’ in M. Vegetti & S. Gastaldi (eds.) Studi di storia della medicina antica e medievale in memoria di Paola Manuli (Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università di Pavia 79, Pavia 1996) 49-65.

(4) (with J. Mansfeld): ‘The Aetius Hypothesis Before and Up To Diels’ in J. Mansfeld & D.T. Runia, Aëtiana. The Method & Intellectual Context of a Doxographer. Vol. 1: The Sources (Leiden 1996) 1-63.

(3) Review-article on T. Engberg-Pedersen, The Stoic Theory of Oikeiosis: Moral Development and Social Interaction in Early Stoic Philosophy (Aarhus 1990) and Giuseppina Magnaldi, L’OIKEIΩΣIΣ peripatetica in Ario Didimo e nel ‘De finibus’ di Cicerone (Torino 1991), Mnemosyne 48.2 (1995) 226-235.

(2) ‘Dialectic and Science: Galen, Herophilus and Aristotle on Phenomena’, in Ph. van der Eijk – H.F.J . Horstmanshoff – P.J. Schrijvers (eds.) Ancient medicine in its Socio-Cultural Context, Papers Read at the Congress at Leiden University, 13-15 April 1992 (Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA 1995) vol. 2, 487-495.

(1) ‘Diogenes of Babylon and Stoic Embryology: ps.Plut., Plac. V 15.4 Reconsidered’, Mnemosyne 44 (1991) 106-125.


(28) Review of P. N. Singer, Galen: writings on health. Thrasybulus and Health (De sanitate tuenda). Cambridge Galen translations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. Pp. xxv, 510. ISBN 9781009159517. In: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2024.03.29.

(27) Review of Werner Albert Golder, ed. Celsus und die antike Wissenschaft. Sammlung Tusculum. 911 pp., bibl., notes, index. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018. Isis 111.2 (2020) 383-384.

(26) Review of Keith Andrew Stewart, Galen’s Theory of Black Bile: Hippocratic Tradition, Manipulation, Innovation. Studies in Ancient Medicine, vol. 51 (Leiden: Brill 2018) Medical History 64.1 (2020) 152-154.

(24) Review of Lennart Lehmhaus and Matteo Martelli, eds. Collecting Recipes. Byzantine and Jewish Pharmacology in Dialogue (Science, Technology and Medicine in Ancient Cultures, Volume 4). De Gruyter, Berlin 2017. Pp. viii + 334. Journal for the Study of Judaism 50 (2019) 1-3.

(23) Review of David Konstan, The Emotions of the Ancient Greeks: Studies in Aristotle and Classical Literature, Robson Classical Lectures (Toronto / Buffalo / London: University of Toronto Press 2006; PB 2007), Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft 66.1/2 (2013) 42–45.

(22) Review of Christopher Gill, Naturalistic Psychology in Galen and Stoicism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), Gnomon 85 (2013) 748–750.

(21) Review of Robert Muller, Les Stoïciens. La liberté et l’ordre du monde. Bibliothèque des Philosophies (Paris: J. Vrin, 2006), Gnomon 85 (2013) 174–176.

(20) Review of Christopher J. Gill, Naturalistic Psychology in Galen and Stoicism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), Classical Review 62.2 (2012) 457-459.

(19) Review of Sharples, Robert W. (ed.) Alexander Aphrodisiensis, De anima libri mantissa. A new edition of the Greek text with introduction and commentary. Peripatoi. Philologisch-Historische Studien zum Aristotelismus 21 (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 2009), Aestimatio 7 (2010) 43-44.

(18) Review of GALIEN: Tome I: Introduction Générale – Sur l’ordre de ses propres livres – Sur ses propres Livres – Que l’excellent médecin est aussi philosophe. Texte établi, traduit et annoté par Véronique Boudon-Millot (Paris: Association Guillaume Budé/Les Belles Lettres 2007); GALIEN: Tome II: Exhortation à l’étude de la médecine – Art médical.> Texte établi, traduit et annoté par Véronique Boudon-Millot (Paris: Association Guillaume Budé/Les Belles Lettres 2000); GALIEN: Systématisation de la médecine. Texte grec et traduction annotée, précédés d’études introductives. Ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Jacques Boulogne et Daniel Delattre. Collection ‘Savoirs et Systèmes de Pensée «Histoires des Sciences» (Presses universitaires du Septentrion: Villeneuve d’Ascq 2003) in Mnemosyne 63.3 (2010) 487-491.

(17) Review of C.J. Gill, The Structured Self in Hellenistic and Roman Thought (Oxford 2006) in Classical Review 60.1 (2010) 58-61.

(16) Review of Ph. Van der Eijk (ed.), Hippocrates in Context: Papers Read at the XIth International Hippocrates Colloquium, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 27-31 August 2002, in Aestimatio 3 (2006) 175-176.

(15) Review of V. Nutton (ed.), The Unknown Galen (London 2002) in Philosophie antique 2 (2006) 226-229.

(14) Review of Mark Morford, The Roman Philosophers. From the Time of Cato the Censor to the Death of Marcus Aurelius (London/New York: Routledge 2002) in Phoenix 59 (2005) 392-394.

(13) Review of David Furley (ed.), From Aristotle to Augustine. Routledge History of Philosophy Volume II. Paperback edition (London and New York 2003) in Aestimatio 1 (2005) 167-169.

(12) Review of Aratus, Phaenomena. Edited with Introduction, Translation and Commentary by Douglas Kidd (Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries 34, CUP 1997. pp. xxiii + 590) and of Aratos, Phénomènes. Texte établi, traduit et commenté par Jean Martin. 2 Tomes. Paris, Les Belles Lettres 1998. pp. CLXXXV II + 615 in Mnemosyne 56 (2003) 85-88.

(11) Review of A. Debru, Le corps respirant. La pensée physiologique chez Galien (Studies in Ancient medicine, vol. 13, (Leiden1996) in Mnemosyne 54.5 (2001) 597-599.

(10) Review of Henry J. Blumenthal, John F. Finamore (ed.), Iamblichus: the Philosopher. (Syllecta Classica, 8. University of Iowa Printing Service) in Mnemosyne 53 (2000) 640.

(9) Review of R.W. Sharples, Stoics, Epicureans and Sceptics. An Introduction to Hellenistic Philosophy (London, Duckworth, 1996) in Mnemosyne 52 (1999) 245-248.

(8) Review of Galien: L’ âme et ses passions. Introduction, traduction et notes par Vincent Barras, Terpsichore Birchler, Anne-France Morand. Préface de Jean Starobinski (Collection << La roue à livres >>, Paris, Les Belles Lettres 1995) in Mnemosyne 51 (1998) 638-640.

(7) Review of C.J. Rowe, Plato: Statesman, Edited with and Introduction, Translation and Commentary (Warminster, England 1995) and Julia Annas and Robin Waterfield (eds.), Plato: The Statesman (CUP 1995) in Mnemosyne 51 (1998) 616-619.

(6) Review of A.A. Long, Stoic Studies (CUP 1996) in Mnemosyne 51 (1998) 604-605.

(5) Review of Simplicius On Aristotle On the Soul 1.1-2.4 translated by J. O. Urmson. Notes by Peter Lautner (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle. General editor: R.R. K. Sorabji, London 1995) in Mnemosyne 51 (1998) 474-475.

(4) Review of J. Kollesch und Diethard Nickel (Hrsg.), Galen und das hellenistische Erbe. Verhandlungen des IV. Internationalen Galen-Symposiums (Sudhoffs Archiv Beihefte 32, Stuttgart 1993) in Mnemosyne 48.2 (1995) 226-235.

(3) Review of T. M. S. Baxter, The Cratylus: Plato’s Critique of Naming (Leiden 1992) in Mnemosyne 47.4 (1994) 542-547.

(2) Review of S. Halliwell, Plato, Republic 5 (Warminster 1993) and R. Waterfield, Plato, Republic (Oxford 1993) in Mnemosyne 49.1 (1996) 104-106.

(1) Review of Ch. Vergeer, Eerste vragen: Over de Griekse filosofie (Nijmegen 1990) in Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 84 (1992) 158-159.


Professional Publications

(42) Tieleman, T., Rijpstra – van Daal, C., Ruf, M., Hulskamp, M., & Epping, T. (2024). Geneeskunde in het werk van Galenus en in het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden: Lespakket/interactieve tour: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden Leiden.

(41) ‘Beknopte gids voor de verwijzingen naar Galenus,’ Lampas 54.4 (2021) 550-554.

(40) (met Maithe Hulskamp. Clarine Rijpstra-van Daal, Martin Ruf) ‘Galenus van Pergamum–arts, filosoof, retoricus. Een lesmodule voor klas 5GTC (Didaktische Rubriek), Lampas 54.4 (2021) 532-549.

(39) ‘Ontwikkelingen in de Galenus-studiën,’ Lampas 54.4 (2021) 497-513.

(38) (met Clarine Rijpstra-van Daal) ‘De beste arts is ook filosoof. Vertaling met inleiding.’ Lampas 54.4 (2021) 455-472.

(37) Thema-nummer Galenus van Pergamon. Lampas 54.4 (2021), red. M. Hulskamp en T.Tieleman. 156 pp.

(36) ‘Marathon,’ 42ste Veterinaire Almanak (Utrecht: Diergeneeskundige Studentenkring 2020) 32-35.

(35) Podcast on the philosophical art of living in ancient philosophy and on Galen (interview in Dutch with Ernst Meijer, Felix & Sofie Amsterdam):

(34) Interview over Diogenes van Sinope, Trouw 17 april 2020:

(33) De beste dokter is ook filosoof. Oratie uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van de leeropdracht Antieke Filosofie en Geneeskunde aan de Universiteit Utrecht op 22 januari 2016 (Universiteit Utrecht Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen 2018). 27 pp. of

(32) (with Anne Katrien Amse) ‘Visie op Griekse en Latijnse taal en cultuur in Nederland. Klassieken verbinden moderne samenleving,’ Vereniging Classici Nederland, Januari 2018.

(31) Signalementen: de filosofie van Cicero en Seneca (CE-pensum Latijn 2018), in Lampas 50.2 (2017) 190-196 (with an English summary).

(30) ‘De menselijk natuur: medische en filosofische perspectieven in het werk van Galenus van Pergamum,’ De Filosoof 69 (2015) 8-11.

(29) ‘Aristoteles over de Angst’, De Filosoof 59 (2014) 7–9.

(28) ‘The Art of Life: A Socratic and Stoic Idea’, De Filosoof 58 (2013) 5–7.

(27) ‘Herophilus en de Alexandrijnse geneeskunde: de herontdekking van een wetenschappelijke bloeiperiode’, Lampas 44.4 (2011) 368-376.

(26) ‘Milete. Filosofie in de Grieks-Romeinse wereld; een overzicht’, ch. in S.T.A.M. Mols en N. de Haan (edd.) Cultuurgeschiedenis van de klassieke Oudheid. (Heerlen: Open Universiteit, 2011), 53-73.

(25) ‘Zeno of Citium: Overview’, website Archelogos Project, Edinburgh (see http://

(24) ‘Levenskunst’, Lampas 40.4 (2007) 334-342.

(23) (together with Simone Mooij-Valk), Diogenes van Oinoanda voor de klas. Lampas 40.2 (2007), 181-192.

(22) (ed. together with Onno M. van Nijf), Diogenes van Oinoanda. Thema-nummer Lampas 40.2 (2007).

(21) De wereld is het toneel van strijd ussen tegendelen (on Heraclitus) interview in Dagblad Trouw 15-02-2007 (‘De Verdieping’, p. 6).

(20) ‘Hellenistische filosofen: een groepsportret’, Lampas 38.3 (2005) (Thema-nummer Hellenisme) 226-239.

(19) ‘De actualiteit van de antieke deugdethiek en levenskunst’, Lampas 38.1 (2005) 79-84.

(18) Articles: ‘Chrysippos v. Soloi’, ‘Galenos’, ‘Porphyrios’, ‘Pneumatiker’, ‘Poseidonios von Apameia’, ‘Praxagoras von Kos’, ‘Stoa’, ‘Zenon von Kition’, in: K.H. Leven (hrsg.), Antike Medizin. Ein Lexikon (C.H. Beck, München 2005), 202, 315-319, 718-719, 726, 727, 832-833, 935.

(17) (met A.B. Merz) ‘Text-processing in de Oudheid; een nieuw interdisciplinair onderzoeksproject’, Areopagus 8.4 (2004) 2-3.

(16) ‘Lofrede op Eros. Verliefdheid is scheppen in het Schone’, maandblad MUG, juli/augustus 2004, 13.

(15) ‘De Wedergeboorte van de Griekse Filosofen’: series of brief articles on ancient philosophers and their contemporary relevance (I. Socrates; II. Plato. III. Aristotle. IV. Hellenistische Filosofie), Het Goede Leven, weekkrant horend bij het Friesch Dagblad, 2e jaargang (2003), nr. 38, 5, nr. 39, 9, nr. 40, 7, nr. 41, 15.

(14) chapters ‘Hippocrates en het Corpus Hippocraticum’, ‘De Stoa’, ‘Het Scepticisme’ ‘Geneeskunde’ in: F. de Haas e.a. (eds.), De Antieke Wijsbegeerte (Leiden 2003) 44-5, 150-62, 163-7, 172-6.

(13) ‘Revival van de hellenistische filosofie,’Wijsgerig Perspectief 42.3 (2002) 39-50.

(12) (editor), Wijsgerig Perspectief. Thema-nummer Hellenisme, 42.3 (April 2002).

(11) ‘Plato over de organisatie van de ideale staat,’ in: Voorlichtingsboekje Studierichting Filosofie (Fac. Wijsbegeerte Utrecht 2001) 3-6.

(10) ‘Dicaearchus van Messene: Cultuurpessimisme of vooruitgangsgeloof?’, in L.A. de Vries & A. Hibma (eds.), Laus Bumae. Jubileumboek ter gelegenheid van 125 jaar Buma Bibliotheek (Leeuwarden 2001) 71-77.

(9) ‘Een revolutionaire interpretatie van Aristoteles’, Friesch Dagblad 27.05.2000 (= recensie van A.P. Bos, De ziel en haar voertuig. Kok Kampen 2000).

(8) ‘Een vernieuwde Nederlandse Plato’, Friesch Dagblad 26.04.00 (review of Plato, Verzameld Werk. Nieuwe, geheel herziene uitgave van de vertaling van Xaveer de Win bew. d. C. Steel e.a. Pelckmans/Kapellen en Agora Baarn 1999).

(7) ‘Pneuma’, in: A. Laks et al. (eds.) Der Neue Pauly  9. Bd. (Tübingen 2000) 1181-1182.

(6) ‘Galenus van Pergamon: geneeskunde en filosofie in de tweede eeuw na Chr.’, Lampas 31.5 (1998) 386-394 (with a summary in English).

(5) ‘Zeno of Citium’, ‘Cleanthes of Assos’, ‘Chrysippus of Soloi’, in D. Zeyl – D. Devereux – Ph. Mitsis (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Classical Philosophy (Greenwood Press, Westport CT 1997), 135-139, 143-145, 576-579.

(4) ‘Oikeiôsis: Morele Ontwikkeling en Sociale Interactie volgens de Vroege Stoa’, in F. Geraedts – L. de Jong (edd.), Cogito Ergo IV (Historische Uitgeverij Groningen 1996) 181-194.

(3) ‘Galenus over de zetel van het verstand: medisch experiment en filosofische traditie,’ Gewina. Tijdschrift voor de Geschiedenis der Geneeskunde, Natuurwetenschappen en Techniek 18.3 (1995) 230-242.

(2) ‘Natuur en norm: de ethiek van de Vroege Stoa’, Epimedium 32 (Utrecht Dept. of Philosophy 1990) 4-12.

(1) ‘Chrysippus in Galenus’ De Placitis II en III’, in: G. Vandenakker et al. (red.), Filosofiedag Utrecht 1989, Filosofische Reeks nr. 31 (Eburon Delft 1990) 200-205.


Invited Lectures

(123) 13/02/25: ‘Emotions in 2 Corinthians,’ The Body, Emotions, and Religious Experience in the New Testament, Leibniz University Hannover, Dept. of Theology, Feb. 11-13, 2025 (Prof. Nils Neumann).

(122) 13/06/2024: ‘Galen on Blood: Science, Folklore and Ideology,’ International Conference The Power of Blood: Blood and Blood Ties in Greek and Roman Discourse, University of Mannheim, 13-16 June 2024 (org. by dr. Julia Hoffmann-Salz).

(121) 29/02/2024: ‘The Stoic Presence in ps. Galen, Definitiones medicae’, Workshop The (Pseudo-)Galenic Medical Definitions in its Intellectual Context (org. by Prof. Ph. van der Eijk), Berlin 29 Februari-1 March 2024.

(120) 12/01/2024: ‘Galen’s On My Own Opinions (with Particular Reference to Galen’s Ideas on God and the Soul),’ International conference ‘The Galenic Ms. Vlatadon 14 and its Significance in Light of Ancient Medicine, Philosophy, and Christianity’, Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C., January 12-13, 2024.

(119) 03/10/23: ‘Galen on Human Nature: Individual and Cosmos,’ International Symposium ‘Nature and Human Nature in Ancient Greek Philosophy and its Receptions.’ Netherlands Institute in Athens, 3 October 2023.

(118) 21/09/2023: ‘Galen’s Methodology in Methodus Medendi’s later books’, Workshop ‘Galen’s Method of Healing (Methodus Medendi): Textual Transmission, Interpretation and Reception’, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 21–22 September 2023.

(117) 13, 16/06/2023: ‘Galen on the Scientific Method: Two Lectures.’ Instituto de Filosofía. Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago (Prof. Marcelo Boeri).

(116) 03/05/2023: ‘Stoic Ideas on the Body and on Pneuma and Some new Testamentic Reverberations (1 Cor., Col. and Eph.)’, Online-Obserseminar Inside out! Körper/ Verkörperung und pneuma/doxa/dynamis. Org. Profs. N. Neumann, Leibniz Universität Hannover, and A. Weissenrieder, Marin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg.

(115) 01/12/2022: ‘Galen between Medicine and Philosophy,’ Universität Wien, Institut für Orientalistik.

(114) 29/11/2022: ‘Greek Philosophers on the Notion of Technê: Plato, Aristotle and the Stoics,’ Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China.

(113) 29/05/2022: ‘The Medical Law: Hippocratic Perspectives.’ Conference ‘Law: Textual Representation and Practices in the Ancient World.’ Convenors: Profs. Stefan Krauter and Annette Weissenrieder, Wittenberg, 27-29 May 2022.

(112) 24/05/2022: ‘Galenic Studies in the Netherlands,’ Czech Academy of the Sciences, Prague.

(111) 08/04/2022: ‘Galen on the Relationship between Medicine and Philosophy,’ SAPERE Workshop on Galen’s Quod Optimus Medicus Sit Quoque Philosophus (org. Prof. Aileen Das).

(110) 28/03/2022: ‘Lentil-Soup as a Key to Understanding Stoicism,’ OFR Colloquium, Utrecht University.

(109) 26/11/2021: ‘The Stoics and Ancient Physiology: Witnesses or Influencers?’ Centre Léon Robin – Sorbonne, Paris. Séminaire ‘Autour de la physiologie d’Archigène d’Apamée: Physiologies médicales et philosophiques, 2021.

(108) 11/06/2021: ‘Cleanthes on Rationality, Right Action and Role-Playing,’ Cleanthes seminar, Research Centre for Greek Philosophy of the Academy of Athens (dr Maria Protopapa-Marneli).

(107) 28/05/2021: ‘Galen on Human Perfection and Enhancement: Medicine, Morality, Cosmology,’ Conference Perfection in Late Antiquity,  Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, Leuven University, 26-28 May 2021 (convenors: Professors P. van Deun, J. Leemans, G. Van Riel, G. Roskam. J. Verheyden).

(106) 11/12/2020: ‘Galen’s Use of Hippocrates as an Anchor for Medical Innovation,’ Conference Anchoring Technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (online), 10-12 December 2020 (convenors: prof. dr. André Lardinois and dr. Stephan Mols).

(105) 09/12/2020: ‘Galen on the Origin of Life,’ Second Utrecht-Edinburgh Workshop Ancient Life Sciences. Aristotelian and Hellenistic Approaches. Online, 8-9 December 2020 (convenors dr. Inna Kupreeva, prof. Teun Tieleman).

(104) 29/11/2019 ‘Ephesians and Greek Philosophy: Knowledge Divine and Human,’ International Workshop Reconsidering the Letter to the Ephesians. Faculty of Theology, University of Halle-Wittenberg, 29 November 2019 (convenor: Prof. dr. A. Weissenrieder).

(103) 22/11/2019: ‘Human Nature: Medical and Philosophical Perspectives in the Work of Galen of Pergamum (project presentation),’ international workshop The Greek and the Arabic:  Aspects of Galenic Medical Thought and Teaching. Vienna, 21-22 November, 2019 (convenors dr. Elvira Wakelnig and prof. Teun Tieleman).

(102) 20/09/2019: ‘Introduction to Galen’s QAM and presentation of QAM, chs. I-II, IV pp. 767-772 K.’ CAW Reading Seminar, Abdij van Westmalle, 20-21 September 2019.

(101) 11/01/2019: ‘Nemesius of Emesa on Aristotle,’ international conference Aristotelian Biology and Christian Theology in the Early Empire, Oxford, Corpus Christi College/Faculty of Philosophy, 11-12 January 2019 (convenor: Prof. Anna Marmodoro).

(100) 12/12/2018: ‘Stoic Vices. The Testimonies from Galen and Calcidius,’ University of Crete at Rhetymnon, School of Philosophy (dr C. Balla).

(99) 15/08/2018: ‘Anchoring Innovation in Ancient Medicine: The Case of Human Anatomy,’ Tradition and Innovation in Early Christianity. A Symposium Sponsored by the Program for Biblical and Early Christian Studies, ACU Melbourne, 15-17 August 2018.

(98) 09/08/2018: ‘Galen as a Witness on Early Christian (and Jewish) Beliefs and Practices,’ BECS Seminar, Institute for Religion and Critical Thought, ACU, Melbourne.

(97) 06/03/2018: ‘Galen on the Presocratics (HNH and other works),’ conference Received Opinions. Doxography in Antiquity and in the Islamic World, Munich School of Ancient Philosophy, Munich, 6-8 March 2018 (convenors: dr. Mareike Jas and dr. Andreas Lammer).

(96) 09/12/2017: ‘The Stoic Philosopher Posidonius and Greco-Roman Medicine: The Aetiology of Emotions and Diseases,’ Medical Understanding of Emotions in Antiquity, Crete/Patras Ancient Emotions II Conference, University of Patras, December 8-10, 2017 (convenors: dr. George Kazantzidis and dr. Dimos Spatharas).

(95) 11/11/17: ‘The History of Ancient Philosophy: Motives, Materials, Methods,’ Oikos Nunspeet Seminar Methods and Techniques: Evidence, Nunspeet, 10-11 November 2017.

(94) 20/10/2017: ‘Galen’s Notion of Dialectic,’ Colloquium Galen’s Epistemology, Czech Academy of Sciences, 19-21 October 2017 (convenor: M. Havrda).

(93) 14/10/2017: ‘Anchoring Medical Innovation: The Case of Human Dissection.’ Expert Meeting of the Anchoring Innovation Programme. Ede, 13-14 October.

(92) 30/09/2017: ‘Anchoring Innovation. An Introduction.’ NKV-dag Nijmegen-Arnhem.

(91) 25/09/17: ‘The Concept of Crisis in Ancient Philosophy’, lecture in the ‘Concepts of Crisis’ lecture series organized by the Dutch Institute at Athens in collaboration with the Research Centre of Greek Philosophy of the Academy of Athens (Prof. Maria Protopapa-Marneli).

(90) 22/09/17: ‘Chrysippus’ On Affections Revisited,’ Seminar Stoics on Affections, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 22 September 2017 (convenor: Antonio Caeiro).

(89) 25/08/17: ‘Philosophy for Romans: The Projects of Cicero and Seneca Compared,’ VCN Nazomerc/nferentie/Euroclassica Annual Meeting, Leiden University.

(88) 04/07-17: ‘Anchoring Medical Innovation among the Ancient Greeks,’ UMCU Department of Genetics, Research Day 2017.

(87) 20/04/17:‘Clement of Alexandria, Strom. VIII 8, 4-9, 5; 14, 1-15, 1’. International Workshop on the ‘Liber logicus’ (‘Stromata VIII’) by Clement of Alexandria: Proof, inquiry, scepticism, causation in an early Christian text, Prague, Villa Lanna, April 20-22, 2017 (Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy).

(86) 22/02/17: ‘Seneca over geluk en de therapie van emoties’ CSFR, Universiteit Wageningen.

(85) 02/02/17: ‘De dokter als filosoof,’ Filosofisch Café/Studium Generale, Café Hofman, Utrecht.

(84) 15/12/16: Plato’s Phaedrus: A Major Influence on Galen’s Self-Image. Conference ‘Reception of Plato’s Phaedrus from Antiquity to the Renaissance.’ Convenors: S. Delcomminette, M.-A. Gavray, P. D’hoine. Brussels, 15-17 December 2016.  The Reception of Plato’s Phaedrus from Antiquity to the Renaissance.

(83) 09/12/16: ‘Stoic Vices.’ Colloque ‘Le vice et ses vertus II: Théories des vices dans la philosophie antique, Paris, 9-10 Décembre 2016 (org. P.-M. Morel, C. Veillard, D. El Murr).  Le vice et ses vertus II.

(82) 08/11/16: ‘Over het stoffelijke bij Galenus,’ Medisch-Historisch Genootschap D. de Moulin, Radboud UMC, Nijmegen.

(81) 15/04/16: ‘Diogenes van Sinope: Portret van een grensoverschrijdend filosoof.’ Nacht van de Filosofie, Amsterdam.

(80) 14/04/16: Laughing Philosophers. Response to R.J. Hankinson, ‘The Laughing Philosopher and the Physician: Laughter, Diagnosis and Therapy,’ International Colloquium Laughter in Ancient Philosophy, Collège Mercier (Louvain-la-Neuve), 14-15 April 2016 (convenor: prof. Pierre Destree).

(79) 04/12/15: ‘Galen and Doxography,’ International Colloquium ‘The Placita of Aëtius: Foundations for the study of ancient philosophy,’ Melbourne, 1-4 December 2015 (convenors: Prof. D.T. Runia and Prof. J. Mansfeld).

(78) 02/07/15: ‘The Spirit of Stoicism,’ Conference The Concept of Pneuma after Aristotle, Excellence Cluster Topoi, Humboldt-Universität Berlin (convenors: dr. S. Coughlin, dr. Orly Lewis, dr. D. Leith).

(77) 29/05/15: ‘Cleanthes’ Psychology,’ A Workshop on Cleanthes, University of Vienna 29-30 May 2015 (convenor: dr. G. Karamanolis).

(76) 18/04/15: ‘Galen of Pergamum on Tradition and Heterodoxy,’ Conference Heterodoxy and Tradition: Conflict and Dialogue in Ancient Pagan and Christian Philosophy, 16-18 April 2015, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (convenors: dr. Albert Joosse and dr. Angela Ulacco).

(75) 20/11/14: ‘Galen on Medicine as an Art and as a Science’, International Galen Conference, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (convenor: Prof. D. Balalykin).

(74) 14/11/14: ‘Galen’s Stoicizing Readings of Hippocrates,’ Conference Interpreting Galen, Exeter 12–14 November 2014 (convenors: Profs. C.J. Gill and Ph. van der Eijk).

(73) 18/09/14: ‘Epictetus, Encheiridion 1–30,’ Keizersberg Conference on Epictetus’ Encheiridion and Simplicius’ commentary on it, Leuven, 18–19 September 2014.

(72) 27/08/14: ‘Stoic Perspectives on Time’, International Seminar The Human Dimension of Time: Anthropology of the Historical, Perm State University (convenors: Profs. Aleksey Kamenskikh & Oksana Dovgopolova).

(71) 01/07/14: ‘Wisdom and Emotion: Galen’s Philosophical Position in the Peri alypias,’ conference ‘Galen’s newly discovered Peri alupias (Avoiding Distress): ancient psychology and self–therapy in the Roman Empire, University of Warwick (convenor: dr. Caroline Petit).

(70) 29/05/14: ‘The Stoic Theory of Emotion: Its Original Nature and Motivation’, School of Philosophy and Sociology, Beijing Normal University.

(69) 27/05/14: ‘The Stoics and Aristotelian Ethics’, Leiden–Beijing Conference on Aristotelian Virtue Ethics, School of Philosophy and Sociology, Beijing Normal University, May 27–28, 2014.

(68) 27/01/14: ‘Posidonius, Galen and the Pneumatist School of Medicine’, Institut für klassische Philologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Prof. dr. Philip van der Eijk).

(67) 02/11/13: ‘Ancient Philosophy: Motives, Materials, Methods’, Oikos-seminar on Evidence, Nunspeet, 1-2 November 2013.

(66) 31/10/13: ‘Galen and Academic Scepticism’, International FUF Symposium ‘Scepticism’, Utrecht, 31 October 2013.

(65) 18/10/13: ‘Galen and Academic Scepticism’, Internationales Symposium Galen aus Pergamon. Medizin und Philosophie in der römischen Kaiserzeit, Erlangen, 17–19 Oktober 2013 (convenor: Prof. dr. K.-H. Leven).

(64) 27/05/13: ‘Galen among the Neoplatonists’, seminar Neoplatonism and Medicine, Ruhr Universität Bochum, Philosophische Fakultät (Profs. Wilberding and Slaveva).

(63) 20/04/13: ‘Seneca: reacties op een Romeins filosoof,’ Jeugddag Nederlands Klassiek Verbond.

(62) 27/11/12: ‘Galen On his Own Opinions: A Philosophical Testament Revisited,’ Conference ‘Galen in Translation’, Tzvat (Safed) 26-28 November 2012 (convenors: Gerrit Bos and Tzvi Langermann).

(61) 22/09/12: ‘Bewonderd en Verguisd: Seneca en zijn lezers’, VCN Nazomerconferentie, Nunspeet 21-22 September 2012.

(60) 12/04/12: ‘Topos, Chôra and Kenon in Posidonius.’ International Workshop Space in Hellenistic Philosophy. Anacapri 12–14 April 2012.

(59) 17/11/11: ‘Therapy, Religion and “Miracles” in Galen’, Conference “Miracle Stories and Concepts of Reality”, San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, CA November 17-18, 2011

(58) 02/09/11: ‘Ancient Medicine, Pneuma and the New Testament: Some Observations’, Symposium ‘The Historical Roots of the Holy Spirit’, Leiden 1-3 September 2011.

(57) 16/12/10 : ‘Mental Pain (lupê) and its Therapy in the Early Stoa’, workshop Consolation in Ancient Philosophy (convenors: Carlos Steel & Han Baltussen), organized under the aegis of CAW/VLAC/DWMC, Brussels.

(56) 24/11/10 : ‘The Notion of Emotion: A Philosophical Archaeology (with special reference to Early Stoic Philosophy)’, Dept. of Philosophy and Social Sciences, University of Crete at Rethymno.

(55) 29/10/10 : ‘The Notion of Emotion: A Philosophical Archaeology (with special reference to Early Stoic Philosophy)’, GANPh Workshop Hellenistische Philosophie, Göttingen, 29-30 Oktober 2010.

(54) 29/09/10: ‘Pseudepigraphy as a Means of Doctrinal Control in Later Ancient Philosophy (with Special Reference to Hellenistic Stoicism)’, Kongress Argument und literarische Form in antiker Philosophie. Gesellschaft für antike Philosophie (GANPH), Würzburg.

(53) 06/04/09: ‘The Letter of Mara bar Sarapion and Ancient Philosophy’, Annual Meeting Northern Association of Ancient Philosophy (Edinburgh).

(52) 13/03/09: ‘Orality and Writing in Ancient Philosophy: A Paradoxical Relationship’, Conference in Honour of Professor Antoinette Clark Wire: ‘The Interface of Orality and Writing: Seeing, Speaking, Writing in the Shaping of New Genres’, San Francisco Theological Seminar, San Anselmo.

(51) 12/03/09: ‘The Letter of Mara bar Sarapion and Ancient Philosophy’, Department of Classics, University of California at Berkeley.

(50) 03/07/08: ‘Religion and Therapy in Galen’: “Religion and Medicine: What Kinds of Relationships are Life-Enhancing?” Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg (6.-9. March, 2008), Heidelberg.

(49) 11/20/07: ‘The Gods of the Stoics’, University of California at Los Angeles, Dept. of Classics.

(48) 11/18/07: ‘Head and Heart: The Pauline Corpus Considered against the Backdrop of Graeco-Roman Medicine and Philosophy’: Annual Meeting Society of Biblical Literature (special session Ancient medical texts and the New Testament), San Diego, CA.

(47) 11/14/07: ‘The Gods of the Stoics’, University of Texas, Dept. of Philosophy.

(46) 10/01/07: ‘The Gods of the Stoics’, University of Crete, Dept. of Philosophy, Rhetymno, Crete.

(45) 03/22/07: ‘Cicero, De natura deorum II 154-67: Divine providence and man’, annual CAW Conference, Leuven, Belgium.

(44) 11/21/06: ‘Philosophical Elements in the Letter of Mara bar Sarapion’, Utrecht, Identity and Intertextuality Seminar (HiPo-Project).

(43) 11/07/06: ‘Van Socrates tot Seneca: Personen en patronen van filosofisch gezag’, guest lecture, Dept. of Classics, University of Groningen.

(42) 05/10/06: ‘Onomastic Reference in Seneca: The Case of Plato and the Platonists’, Identitity and Intertextuality Seminar.

(41) 04/21/06: ‘Plato and Platonists in Seneca’, Colloquio ‘Platonismo e Stoicismo’, Gargnano, Palazzo Feltrinelli, 19-22 aprile 2006 a cura di Pierluigi Donini e Mauro Bonazzi, Università degli Studi di Milano in collaborazione con Carlos Lévy, Université La Sorbonne, Paris IV e Carlos Steel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – De Wulf-Mansioncentrum.

(40) 03/10/06: ‘Plato in de klas’, Studiedag Klassieke Talen en KCV XX, Free University Amsterdam (Conference for Dutch classics teachers).

(39) 02/20/06: ‘Galenus en de Stoïcijnen’, Seminar Ancient Culture and Society, Faculty of the Humanities, Utrecht University.

(38) 12/02/05: ‘The (pseudo-)Platonic Letters’, Identity and Intertextuality Seminar (High Potentials Project ‘Habent sua fata libelli’), University of Utrecht.

(37) 11/19/05: ‘Cultuurtheorie en antieke filosofie en wetenschap: twee benaderingen’, Oikos-conference Methods & Techniques for PhD students in classics, Nunspeet.

(36) 11/09/05: ‘Habent sua fata libelli: Text-Processing in the Philosophical and Religious Movements of the Roman Empire’, Philosophische Fakultät, Humboldt-Universität Berlin (Prof. dr. C. Rapp).

(35) 11/08/05: ‘Chrysippus On Emotions’, Philosophische Fakultät, Humboldt-Universität Berlin (Prof. dr. C. Rapp).

(34) 07/16/05: ‘(In)continence in Context. On Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics1151b23-52a36, Symposium Aristotelicum, Venice (Prof. C. Natali).

(33) 07/20/05: ‘Galen and the Stoics’. International Conference: ‘Galen and the World of Knowledge’, University of Exeter, UK, 18-21 July 2005 (Prof. C. Gill, Prof. J. Wilkins, Dr. T Whitmarsh).

(32) 11/08/04: ‘Galen of Pergamon: Portrait of Ancient Scientist’, Athens. Lecture at Technical University of Athens (prof. Katerina Ierodiakonou).

(31) 10/22/04: ‘Éditer un traité fragmentaire: le << Sur les Émotions >> du Stoïcien Chrysippe’ atelier thématique : « Éditer les textes philosophiques », à Villejuif (France) (Dr T. Dorandi, CNRS).

(30) 07/22/04: ‘Panaetius’ Place in the History of Stoicism’, Symposium Hellenisticum (Between Greece and Rome. Hellenistic Philosophy and Roman Culture from 150 to 88 B.C), Rome, 27-31 July 2004 (A.M. Ioppolo and D.N. Sedley).

(29) 05/07/04: ‘The Stoics on the Temperaments of Body and Soul’, Colloque international Mélanges, crases, tempéraments. La chimie du vivant dans la médicine et la biologie ancienne, Université de Lausanne et Genève, 6-8 May (V. Barras).

(28) 09/13/03: ‘Galen’s Psychology: Some Recent Developments in Research’, Workshop on Galen (Prof. C.J. Gill), Faculty of Classics, Exeter University.

(27) 06/13/03: ‘Galen and Genesis’, Themes in Biblical Narrative Conference: Creation. Faculty of Theology, Groningen University (J.N. Bremmer / G.H. van Kooten / G. Luttikhuizen).

(26) 06/05/04:03: ‘Epicurus’ Brief over het geluk’, ‘De revival van de Hellenistische Filosofen’, ISVW, Leusden.

(25) 11/25/02: ‘Alexandrijnse geneeskunde: Een herontdekte bloeiperiode in de wetenschapsgeschiedenis’, Studium Generale Utrecht University (reeks Alexandrië).

(24) 10/04/02: ‘De terugkeer van de Griekse filosofen: levenskunst en deugdethiek’, Nederlands Klassiek Verbond, afd. Friesland.

(23) 09/04/02: ‘Galen’s Psychology’, Entretiens sur l’antiquité classique XLIX: Galien (J. Barnes – J. Jouanna), Fondation Hardt, Vandoeuvres, Suisse.

(22) 12/17/01: ‘Chrysippus’ treatise ‘On the Emotions’: Reconstruction and Interpretation’, Universiteit Utrecht (Nederland), Symposium: ‘De Stoa: Fragmenten en Synthese.’ (org. K.A. Algra & T. Tieleman), Fondation Hardt (Vandoeuvres, Suisse).

(21) 04/26/01: ‘Leven en werk van Galenus van Pergamon’, seminar ancient medicine, Faculty of Arts, Leiden University.

(20) 06/22/01: ‘Galen on the Structure of Knowledge’, Symposium on Ancient Medicine, NIAS, 21-4 juni 2001 (Prof. M. Stol and Dr. H.F.J. Horstmanshoff).

(19) 03/06/01: ‘Galenus over de emoties’: NIAS, Wassenaar (Ned.), seminar research group ancient Greek and Babylonian medicine.

(18) 01/25/01: ‘Galen of Pergamon: Portrait of an Ancient Scientist’: NIAS, Wassenaar, Nederland NIAS Fellows Seminar (Prof. dr. H.L. Wesseling).

(17) 10/29/99: ‘Galen’s De Placitis: Aspects of Composition and Style. With Special Reference to Books IV and V’: VII Jornadas internacionales, Estudios actuales sobre textos griegos: Galeno, composición literaria y estilo, Madrid, UNED 27-30 de Octubre de 1999 (Prof. J. A. López Férez).

(16) 09/11/98: ‘Zeno and Psychological Monism. The Evidence Reconsidered’, International Zeno Conference, Larnaca Cyprus 9-11 September 1998 (Prof. T. Scaltsas).

(15) 02/17/97: ‘De Stoa en seksuele differentiatie’, Genootschap voor Antieke Geneeskunde, Leiden Univeristy.

(14) 09/26/96: ‘Chrysipppus’ Therapeutikon and the Hippocratic Corpus’: IXème Colloque International Hippocratique. Università degli Studi di Pisa (D. Manetti et al.).

(13) 07/08/96: ‘Medical Experiment and Philosophical Tradition: Galen on the Seat of the Intellect’. Congress ‘Science Matters’, Liverpool (C. Tuplin et al.)

(12) 06/30/96: ‘Updating Plato: Galen on the Psychic Functions’. Scottish Association of Classical Philosophy. Edinburgh (Th. Scaltsas).

(11) 09/18/95: ‘Chrysippus on the Pithanon’, Dept. of Classics, Yale University.

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(6) 11/29/93: ‘Chrysippus’ On the Soul: Some Comments on Its Structure and Method’, Princeton University, Dept. of Classics.

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(1) 03/22/89: ‘Chrysippe dans Galien, De Placitis II-III’, Université Charles de Gaulle. Lille III (Centre de Recherche Philologique/Prof. A. Laks).