The Galen Project

Dr Maithe Hulskamp


Maithe Hulskamp studied Classics (MA) and English (MA) in Leiden and History of Ancient Medicine (MLitt) in Newcastle upon Tyne.

In 2008, she obtained a PhD degree for her thesis on Sleep and Dreams in Ancient Medical Diagnosis and Prognosis .

She was a lecturer in Ancient History at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) from 2008-2013, and taught introductory Ancient History courses for the departments of History and Classics. Topics of the optional BA and MA courses she has taught are divination, and regimen & health. From 2012 to 2014, she also had a research position at the UvA.

In her research, she focuses on the grey area in which ancient medicine and ancient philosophy meet: the relationship between body and soul.

At the moment, Maithe Hulskamp teaches Classics at the Gemeentelijk Gymnasium Hilversum (secondary education). In collaboration with three colleagues and with Prof. Dr. Teun Tieleman, she is currently constructing a course on Galen for the fifth form of this school.


On Regimen and the Question of Medical Dreams in the Hippocratic Corpus’ in: L. Dean Jones & R. Rosen (eds.), Ancient Concepts of the Hippocratic. Papers Presented at the XIIIth International Hippocrates Colloquium, Austin, Texas, August 2008, Leiden, 2015

‘La Theorie de Galien sur le Sommeil’ in: V. Leroux, N. Palmieri, C. Pigné (eds.), Approches Philosophiques et Médicales  du Sommeil de l’Antiquité à la Renaissance, Les Éditions Garnier: Paris, 2015.

‘The Value of Dream Diagnosis to the Hippocratics and Galen’ in: S. Oberhelman (ed.), Dreams, Healing, and Medicine in Greece : From Hippocrates to Modern Naxos , Ashgate Publishing: Farnham & London, 2013, pp. 33-68.

‘Dromen in de Dokterstas. Interpretatie van dromen als medisch-diagnostisch middel’, Lampas 45.4, 2012, pp. 314-329.

Contributions to: A. Erskine e.a. (eds.), Blackwell Encyclopedia of Ancient History.  Lemmata: DiagnosisPrognosisRegimen. Blackwell Academic Publishers: Hoboken, 2012.

‘Space and the Body. Uses of Astronomy in Hippocratic Medicine’ in: P. Baker, H. Nijdam, K. van ‘t Land (eds.), Medicine and Space: Body, Surroundings and Borders in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Brill Academic Publishers: Leiden, 2012, pp. 149-167.

‘Stages in the Reception of Aristotle’s Works on Sleep and Dreams in Hellenistic and Imperial Philosophy and Medicine ‘ (co-authored with Ph.J. van der Eijk) in: P.M. Morel (ed.), La Réception des Parva Naturalia d’Aristote , Publications de la Sorbonne: Paris, 2010, pp. 47-75.

Sleep and Dreams in Ancient Medical Diagnosis and Prognosis, dissertation, Newcastle University, 2008.

‘Galen’s ideas on sleep and sleep related conditions’ (forthcoming)