The Galen Project


11 December 2019
19:00 - 21:00
Stijlkamer, Janskerkhof 13 (0.06), Utrecht

Fifth Meeting Dutch Society for Ancient Medicine (11th December 2019)

On December 11th 2019, another meeting of the Dutch Society for Ancient Medicine will take place. The meeting will have the same structure and location as last time. There will be two short lectures, with room for questions and discussion. The speakers this edition are:


Dr. Anton van Hooff 

“Antieke Geboorteregeling, Medisch en Magisch”

Maria Wester MSc (Leiden University)

“Ziekte of Zegen? De Uterus in het Werk van Aretaeus van Cappadocië”


Please note: the meeting will be conducted in Dutch. If you are interested in attending, you can sign up via Please do so before Decemer 3rd.


Location: Stijlkamer, Janskerkhof 13 (0.06), Utrecht.

In case you have a delay and/or the door does not open: call 0611236704 (Eline van Ballegooij)